Clearing a Blocked Access File Lock

Clearing a Blocked Access File Lock

It is necessary to ensure that your Nimbus host is setup as a Trusted website before installing Nimbus Automate software.

Please follow the instructions below to set the trusted website.

Internet Access – Trusted Website

Ensure that https://*.nimbushost.net is a trusted website.

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer

  • Open Browser / Internet Options / Security tab
  • Trusted Sites / Sites button / ensure that https://*.nimbushost.net is a trusted site.

If the above is not performed prior to installing Nimbus AutoMate software, you will receive the following error when attempting the installation.

This then sets a “block” on the Nimbus AutoMate.exe access file.

Please perform the following steps to clear this block:

To Clear a Blocked Access File

  1. Open a folder using Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0. Note that AppData is normally a hidden folder.
  2. In the search bar, search for NimbusAutoMate.exe

    Right mouse click on the Application file and select Properties

  3. Click the Unblock button as displayed below. Note, depending on the version of Windows you are running, this dialog may look different.

  4. Close the Window.
  5. Install Nimbus AutoMate again from within the Nimbus User Interface.

NOTE: If the above does not work

Navigate back to the following location:

  1. C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\5GWVOVEH12102919 (this is the other folder name under the 2.0 folder)
  2. You can then delete this whole folder
  3. Then try and restart the AutoMate software