Download files from Nimbus to a local folder on your Fileserver

It is possible to download all of your documents stored in Nimbus to a local folder on your Fileserver.

You will need:

  1. Admin access to your Nimbus account

  2. Internet Explorer or Google Chrome with the ClickOnce for Google Chrome (by add-on installed.

  3. Ensure you have internet access to https://* set as a trusted website.

  4. Full Administration rights to your PC.

  5. A folder called Nimbus Documents on your PC.  Nimbus will then sychronise all files and folders that are stored in the Nimbus Cloud, to this folder location.  This is best created close to the Root folder.

  6. Have performed the pre-requisites for the installation

Installation Pre-requisites

A Windows Login Account is required specifically for Nimbus AutoMate, which then provides AutoMate with the appropriate Access Permissions to run and to automatically update from the Internet.  It is only relevant for Fileserver environments.  

Provide the AutoMate Windows Service with Permissions to Operate

When an update is available, the Nimbus AutoMate Service will:

  1. Stop the AutoMate Service;

  2. Upgrade the AutoMate software, which is downloaded from the Nimbus Web Site; and

  3. Restart the AutoMate Service. 

The Nimbus Windows User Account is used to ensure your system has the correct network permissions for the AutoMate software to operate and upgrade automatically where necessary.

Creating the Windows User Account for Nimbus AutoMate

Note: this user account can either be a Local Windows User account or an Active Directory user, so long as the user has access to the folder location (Nimbus Documents folder) items.

  1. Open the Control Panel

  2. Access User Accounts

  3. Add a new User Account

    1. User name: - Nimbus

    2. Full name: - Nimbus

    3. Description: - Nimbus

Set the Service Properties for the Nimbus Windows User Account

  1. Open the Control Panel

  2. Open Services

  3. Scroll down the list and locate the Nimbus AutoMate Service

  4. Right mouse click on the Nimbus AutoMate and select Properties

  5. Click the Log On tab

a.     Select “This account”: radio button and Browse for the Windows User Account: Nimbus created above.

b.     Apply the changes.

Set the Permissions for the Nimbus Windows User Account

  1. Click the Start button

  2. Select “Run”Enter “regedit” and click the OK button

  3. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NimbusAutoMate\Parameters

  4. Right mouse click on Parameters and select Permissions

  5. Locate the Nimbus Windows User Account created above.

  6. Allow Full Control for this User Name.

  7. Please ensure that this Windows User Account has rights to delete files from the Program Files\Nimbus Technology folder (and sub-directories) and that it can create a sub-directory.

Ensure Nimbus Windows User Account has HTTPS access

  1. Ensure that the Nimbus Windows User Account has HTTPS access on Firewall port 443 for outgoings

  2. Note that this may be an issue if you receive an error “No Nimbus Access”

Ensure Nimbus Windows User Account has Network Access

  1. Ensure the Nimbus Windows User Account has network Access

  2. Note that this may be an issue if you receive an error “No Nimbus Access”

Ensure Nimbus Windows User Account has full permissions to The Nimbus Documents folder

Ensure Nimbus Windows User Account has Stop and Start permissions:

Microsoft has provided a list of steps at

Internet Access – Trusted Website

Ensure that https://* is a trusted website.

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer. If not you'll find these settings via your Windows Control Panel.

  • Open Browser / Internet Options / Security tab

  • Trusted Sites / Sites button / ensure that https://* is a trusted site.

Install Nimbus Automate

From your PC, log into your Nimbus account site using a login with Admin level access and select:

  1. Admin

  2. AutoMate

  3. Select the Integration option as “Folder Sync Only”
    Note: if your Nimbus account is also connected to XPM, or another PM system, you will not select the Integration option as “Folder Sync Only”, but instead will select the Install button to the right of the AutoMate: option.


  4. Click the Install button. Nimbus will start the process of downloading the Nimbus AutoMate software from the Nimbus server.  Microsoft Windows will display an Application Run dialog.  

  5. Click the Run button to continue.  Note that Nimbus AutoMate runs as a true Windows service and hence appears under the Windows Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services and events are posted the Windows Event Log >> Applications.


  6. The system will display an Install dialog as shown below.  Click the Install Service button to commence the installation. 


  7. The next step is to setup the configuration.  Click the Configure button within the Install dialog.


  8. Click Start Service.  This starts the Windows Nimbus AutoMate Service. 

  9. Click the Folders tab.  Use the ellipses button to locate the Nimbus Documents folder you previously setup.  Click the Test folder access button to ensure you have sufficient rights to be able to sync to this location, and then click the Enable Folder Sync button.  This will start the folder syncing process.  During the sync process the Sync Status field is updated with the events that are occurring.  When this is complete, the system will show this Sync Status as “Waiting”.


10.  The Nimbus AutoMate dialog can then be closed as the Windows Service runs in the background. 

11.  If your PC is turned off overnight, the Nimbus AutoMate software must be restarted the next morning.  To do this, perform the following:

a.     Login to Nimbus and select Admin  / AutoMate tab

b.     Click the Configure button.  The Nimbus AutoMate dialog will display.  Click the Start Service button to commence syncing.