Email Notifications

Email Notifications

Incoming emails into the Practice can be redirected to specific staff. The system will automatically send an email on behalf of a Client Portal user in the following scenarios:

  1. if a document is signed

  2. if a file is uploaded to share with the Practice

  3. if a webform checklist is submitted

There is a hierarchy system in place which determines which employee within the Practice will receive the incoming email when one of the above 3 events occurs.

  1. By default, if nothing else is set in the system, the default employee as listed under Admin / Business details, will receive the incoming email.

    1. Client Entity Notifications field is set to the Default Employee

    2. The Email from/to field on the Schedule tab of an Email Job (if one has been created for the document(s) in question) is set to the <Default> employee.

  2. If the Client Entity Notifications field is set to a specific employee and if there is an email job, but the Email from/to field on the Schedule tab of an Email Job is set to the <Default> employee, the system will bypass the default employee (as set in Admin / Business Details) and will send the email to the employee set in the Client Entity Notifications field.

  3. If an Email Job is sent AND the Email from/to field on the Schedule tab of the Email Job is set to a specific employee, the system will bypass the default employee (as set in Admin / Business Details) AND will bypass the Client Entity Notifications field and will send the email to the employee set on the Email from/to field on the Schedule tab of the Email Job.

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