System Emails

System Emails

Nimbus uses a series of standard System Email templates to produce emails sent to both the Client and the Business when a particular event occurs.  The table below outlines the standard templates and when they are used.  These templates may be edited by the Business as required.  

We recommend that all new Nimbus Customers review the content of these templates, and adjust to include your own wording.  Remember that when a System Email is sent by your Nimbus account, it will marry with either the Client or Business Email stationery file as follows:

  • ClientFacingSystem - email stationery - for all emails sent to Clients
  • BusinessFacingSystem - email stationery - for all emails sent

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Locating the System Email templates:

These templates may be located as follows:

  • Select Templates from the menu
  • Select System Emails 
  • To edit a template, click the Blue Edit Arrow

All templates use the Nimbus database mail merge fields, which substitute Business, Client and Contact details prior to the email being sent.

The <!- -Body- -> database mail merge field will also be substituted prior to the email being sent, with the relevant document links.

Email NameUsed for...

2FA Pin.email.html

This email is sent to either a Staff Member or a Client Contact, when they request a 2 factor authentication email.  The email is sent with a PIN number which is then entered into the Login screen.  This is used where a mobile phone number is not available.

/Email Templates/System Emails/2FA Pin.email.html

To <ToSalutation>



Client Invited.email.html

This email is sent to a Contact who is invited to access another Client Entity, by that Client. It will only be sent when the person being invited already has a login to Nimbus.

Client Login Updated. Email.html

This email is sent to a Client if their email address is changed in the system, and only if the Client was using their email address as their login code.

Client Registration Link.email.html

This email is sent when a Client invites another 3rd party to login to their Client Portal and access the contents of a Whole Folder (i.e., Client Entity).

Client Request Login.email.htmlThis email template is no longer used.  It was used for Nimbus Accounts which are unsecured.

Client Reset Password.email.html

When a Client has forgotten their password and clicks the Forgot Password icon .  This email is sent which allows the Client to use their Login code to then reset their password to a new password.

Client Welcome.email.html

This email is sent when a staff member clicks the Welcome Email  icon for a Client Entity or for a Contact.

File Conversation.email. html

This email is sent when a File Conversation is added to a file.  This email is also used when a Workflow Status is changed on a Document (CDM Only) which generates a notification to a staff member.

File Sharing Invitiation.email.html

This email is sent when a single file (Ad-hoc file sharing) is shared with a 3rd party (e.g.: Bank Manager).

Submitted Checklist.email.html

This email is sent to the Client when they have successfully submitted a Webform Checklist.

Upload Notification Signature Required.email.html

This is sent when a file is uploaded, and the option for “Signature Required” is selected.  It is sent to the Client / Contact when the Practice uploads a file.

Upload Notification.email.html

This is sent when a file is uploaded and the default option to send a file upload notification is left selected.  It is sent to the Client / Contact if the Practice uploads a file.

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