Email Stationery

Email Stationery

Nimbus provides a number of email stationery templates which can be customised for your account.  These include:

TemplateWhen used
BusinessFacingSystem.email.htmlFor all Nimbus emails which are sent to the Business by Clients 
ClientFacingSystem.email.htmlFor all Nimbus System emails (found via Templates / System Emails) which are sent to Clients
Staff2StaffFacingSystem.email.htmlFor all Nimbus emails which are sent by a staff member to another staff member
Standard.email.htmlFor all Email Jobs.  Note that it is possible to have more than one stationery for email jobs

When your account is first created, the email stationery will refer to Nimbus, including Nimbus logos etc, though these can be edited to include your own branding.

We would suggest that you adjust the ClientFacingSystem.email.html and the Standard.email.html files before you begin sending emails via your Nimbus account.  This will ensure that the emails your Clients / Customers receive, will display your own branding.

Editing an email stationery

  1. Navigate to the email stationery via Templates / Email Stationery 
  2. Click the Blue edit arrow to edit a stationery file.  If you wish to only view the stationery, you can click the hyperlink
  3. Use the Nimbus online HTML editor to customise your stationery
  4. If you wish to embed your company logo onto the stationery, please refer to this article Attaching an image to your Email Stationery

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