Defining your Business Folder Structure

If you are using Nimbus Business or Professional, you have the option to create internal Business Folders for you and your staff.

In the Documents area, click on the green folder icon in the folder tree-view, to switch to Business Folders.

In the toolbar menu on the right, click on the New Root Folder icon to create a new root Business folder.

Type the name of the Business folder and click Create.

Once a root folder is created, you can create sub-folders underneath the root folder, by clicking on the New Folder icon next to the root folder.

Adding Folder Security to Business Folders - Restricting Staff Access

Security can be added to business folders by clicking on the blue folder properties arrow next to the folder.

Select Restrict Staff Access,

Then click on the Access tab and select the employees you wish to provide access to, and click Update.

The folder colour will now turn to red, meaning that access is restricted to certain staff members.