Upgrading AutoMate

Upgrading AutoMate

This process discusses how to manually upgrade AutoMate on your Nimbus service.

Items required before commencing the upgrade:

  1. Location on server where AutoMate is currently installed
  2. Admin Access to the server where AutoMate is currently installed
  3. URL for Nimbus Practice
  4. Admin login code and password to Nimbus Practice

Locating where AutoMate Service is currently installed

  1. Upgrading the Nimbus AutoMate Service must be performed on the server where this service is installed.
  2. Open Windows Service Manager:
    1. Control Panel
    2. Performance and Maintenance
    3. Administrative Tools
    4. Services
  3. Look for the Nimbus AutoMate Service.
  4. Nimbus AutoMate Service is normally installed on the Database Server.

Upgrading Nimbus AutoMate Service

  1. Start the web browser.
  2. Login to Nimbus as Admin.
  3. Click Admin / AutoMate tab, and the following screen displays:

  4. Click the Install button, and the following dialog will display.

  5. Click the Upgrade Service AutoMate automatically stops the service, downloads a new version from our website, installs the new version and then restarts the service.  The follow then displays:

  6. When the service has been updated, please access the Configure button to check if the software is set to upgrade automatically. The following dialog displays:

  7. Ensure the Upgrades option is set to Upgrade on Sunday between 5pm and 10pm.
  8. Close the Nimbus AutoMate dialog and then logout of Nimbus.

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