Upgrading AutoMate
Upgrading AutoMate
This process discusses how to manually upgrade AutoMate on your Nimbus service.
Items required before commencing the upgrade:
- Location on server where AutoMate is currently installed
- Admin Access to the server where AutoMate is currently installed
- URL for Nimbus Practice
- Admin login code and password to Nimbus Practice
Locating where AutoMate Service is currently installed
- Upgrading the Nimbus AutoMate Service must be performed on the server where this service is installed.
- Open Windows Service Manager:
- Control Panel
- Performance and Maintenance
- Administrative Tools
- Services
- Look for the Nimbus AutoMate Service.
- Nimbus AutoMate Service is normally installed on the Database Server.
Upgrading Nimbus AutoMate Service
- Start the web browser.
- Login to Nimbus as Admin.
- Click Admin / AutoMate tab, and the following screen displays:
- Click the Install button, and the following dialog will display.
- Click the Upgrade Service AutoMate automatically stops the service, downloads a new version from our website, installs the new version and then restarts the service. The follow then displays:
- When the service has been updated, please access the Configure button to check if the software is set to upgrade automatically. The following dialog displays:
- Ensure the Upgrades option is set to Upgrade on Sunday between 5pm and 10pm.
- Close the Nimbus AutoMate dialog and then logout of Nimbus.
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