Upload from your local drive

Upload from your local drive

When the Nimbus Extension does not detect a PDF, Image or Video file in the browser then you have the option to upload a file from your local drive.

To upload a file from your local drive:

  1. Open the browser

  2. Click the Nimbus Extension icon

    1. Follow instructions to install the Extension if you haven’t previously

  3. Login. You will remain logged in until you click Logout

  4. The Upload dialog will be displayed:

  5. Click Choose file

  6. Select a file from your local drive. The file name will be displayed in the extension:

  7. Click Upload to Nimbus

  8. The Upload to Nimbus dialog is displayed where you can profile the document:

  9. Modify the Filename if required

  10. To save in a client folder select the client name. Otherwise change the Storage area to select Business Internal folders.

  11. Complete additional metadata as required

    1. Selecting a document category will display additional custom fields if they have been configured in the Nimbus account.

    2. Entering a matter code will result in the folder path automatically updating to match the selection:

  12. By default the system will save the document to the root folder, unless there is a Matter code selected, though this can be changed to a sub-folder by clicking the ellipse button.

  13. When a sub-folder is selected, the system will update the folder path appropriately.

  14. Once all metadata is complete click the Upload to Nimbus button.

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