Document Views

Document Views

Nimbus allows you to create a “View” which when opened, will display a list of files / folders, based on specific filters. Each Nimbus staff member can create as many views as they wish, which would relate to the types of documents they access on a regular basis. Personal Views, can only be seen by the staff member who created them.

Staff who have Admin access, may create Views which can then be accessed by ALL staff.

Your Nimbus subscription will determine what column / data fields you will have access to.

Watch the Video:

Creating a Custom View

Choosing what data to display

  1. Select the Document menu option

  2. Using either the Column Chooser or the AND Mode Filter Chooser, customise your Document Grid, to show only those folders / documents you wish to see.


Remember you can drag column headings off the Chooser menus to the grid to Add a new Column, or drag the headings off the grid back to the Chooser menus to remove a column.

Setting the Filtering on the Grid

  1. Once you have set the results of the grid display, you can now save this as a “View”.

  2. In my example below, I have set the following filters:

    1. Modified by Date: set to descending

    2. Group Code: to show all Clients who belong to a particular Family Group

    3. Client Name: set to “Group By”

  3. The results of this filtering would display like the sample below, where you would then be able to expand each Client to see all files belonging to that Client:

Saving the View

  1. Click the Documents menu on the top left of the Toolbar

  2. Enter a View Name - once saved, this will then display in the My Views listing

  3. If you have Admin access, you will be able to Share as a Standard View with ALL staff

  4. Click the Save button to Save the view.


Note that there is no limit to the number of views a Staff member can create.

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