Checking what files your Clients are viewing

When you share files with your Clients, you need to know when your Clients are accessing these files. This information is available via the following areas:

  • Client Grid

  • Client Folder

  • Client History

Client Grid

The following fields can be added to your Nimbus Client Grid and can then be filtered to show which Clients have not accessed files you have shared with them.

  • Total Published (Nimbus Professional only)

  • Total Not Accessed


You can filter these fields by only showing numbers greater than 1 if required.

Client Folder

The Client Folder view can be modified to include the date/time stamp of when the file is accessed by the Client. The Client Viewed field can be added to your View, using the “Show Column Chooser” icon.

Client History

The Client History shows the detail of when a file is accessed.

To access the Client History, is via the Client Grid:

The full history then displays and can be filtered as any Grid: