Move / Copy Files shared by a Client

Move / Copy Files shared by a Client

When a client shares files with the business, these files are stored in the From Client Folder.

These files are published by the fact that they are visible to the Client.  

Businesses who use Nimbus Cloud Document Management often ask, what should we do with these files?  Should we save them into our Current Green folder structure.

The following discusses the functionality of Nimbus when a file is moved or copied from the From Client Folder to a Green Client Folder.

Moving Files

If you move these files from the From Client Folder to any Green Sub-Folder (not the Current top level folder), regardless of what settings you have in Admin / Client portal in terms of automatic notifications, the system does not send an email to the Client.

When this move takes place, the system marks the file as Not published.

If you move the file to the top level green folder - Current, the file is set as published, but the system will NOT send an email to the Client advising the file was published.

Copying Files

If you take a copy of the file (rather than Move the file), regardless of the destination folder (top level Current or a sub-folder) the system will also mark the file as being published.

As these files are marked as Published, when the Client next logs into their Client Portal, these files will show as new files in the In-Tray - i.e., files that have not yet been viewed or looked at.

Note that the system will NOT send a new email to the Client when the file is copied.

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