Clients Off-boarding process - MPM

Clients Off-boarding process - MPM

Client Entities are closed by adding a terminated date via MPM. The following screen show displays the Client References tab and shows the Date Terminated field. 


For a termination to be allowed, the Client must not have any WIP or Debtors balances outstanding.

Once the Client has a Terminated Date entered into MPM, the Client Entity will be removed from the Nimbus Client grid.

If the Client Entity included documents prior to the Client being terminated in MPM, the Client folder is then accessible as an Orphaned Client via the Documents / Business folder view. The folder name, will be that of the Client Code, prior to the Client Entity being set as Terminated.

The Client folder may remain accessible via your Nimbus Business documents menu, or you may delete the folder and all of the contents. If this is done, the documents are then sent to Archive and are accessible via your Nimbus Archive menu.

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