View Modes

When you access Client documents from the Yellow Client folder via the Client Grid, the last accessed view mode will display and in grid (default) view.
There are 3 different document view modes. These are:

  1. Grid,
  2. Card; and
  3. Thumbnail

Should you wish to switch the view mode to Card or Thumbnail views, you can simply click on the Switch Mode button on the toolbar.

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Grid View

The Grid view is the standard and most popular view amongst Nimbus users. It displays the files in a list, which allows you to work with the maximum number of documents in a single screen, as well as the capability of combining columns with details about each of these files.

Opening a Document from the Grid view

To open a document from the grid view, click the document icon. For example, if you wish to open a Word document, click the Word icon. If you wish to open a PDF document, click the PDF icon. When opening a Word document from the Grid view, the system will open the document in the embedded text editor and will allow you to edit the document. When opening a PDF document from the Grid view, the system will display the PDF in the Document Viewer, also when opening an Excel spreadsheet form the Grid view, the system will open the spreadsheet and allow you to edit the spreadsheet.

Opening the Document Properties from the Grid view

Document Properties contain detail about the document. Some of this information is customisable, and some information is updated automatically by the system.
To view the Document Properties from a document shown on a Grid, click the Blue Edit Arrow icon.

Card View

The Card view presents a small thumbnail of the document as well as client name, status, date, creator name and the type.

Opening a Document from the Card view

To open a document from the Card view, click the thumbnail of the document.

Opening the Document Properties from the Card view

To view the Document Properties from a document shown in Card view, click either the Blue Name of the document or any area underneath the name. The Document Properties will then display.

Thumbnail view

The Thumbnail view lets you take a peek into the document, making it easier to recognise when you are already familiar with it.

Opening a Document from the Thumbnail view

To open a document from the Thumbnail view, click the thumbnail of the document.

Opening the Document Properties from the Thumbnail view

To view the Document Properties from a document shown in Thumbnail view, click the Blue Edit arrow icon to the right of the Document Name.