Move Files - CDM Customers

Move Files - CDM Customers

This facility allows the user to restructure existing folder templates for the Client Entities which are associated with the template.  The functionality is only available to CDM Customers and is restricted to Staff who have Document Admin access.


  1. Before setting up the process, the FROM FOLDER and the TO FOLDER must both be present on the Client Template / Folder setup.

  2. Select Templates from the menu.

  3. Then select Client Templates, and click the blue edit arrow on the template you wish to edit. The system default is shown as <Default>.

  4. Click the Move Files tab and the following dialog will display:

  5. Select the required folder path where you wish to MOVE files from via the drop down list (e.g.: 2018 /Tax). This is the From Folder field.

  6. Select the required folder path where you wish to MOVE file to via the drop down list (e.g.: 2018). This is the To Folder field.

  7. Click the Move Files Now button. Nimbus will advise: "This operation will move x files for x clients, are you sure?" Click the Yes button to continue.  All files will then be moved from the From Folder selected to the To Folder selected.

Note that this facility DOES NOT update the Client History with an event for the File MOVE.


If the source folder for a particular client does not exist, the client is skipped.

If the destination folder does not exist and there is at least 1 file to move, the folder will be created (it will be based on the settings in the Folder Template tab).

If the destination folder contains conflicting existing files (files with the same name, same date / time stamp), the moved file will be appended with a ".1" (etc) name extension.

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