Linking Documents

Linking Documents

Nimbus allows you to link together documents from either the same location or from different locations.


Open any document in "View mode" (do not edit the document)

  1. From the Toolbar, select the Link document iconĀ and the Linked Documents dialog will display.

  2. To Link to another document, click the Link button and the Select Document dialog will display.
  3. Nimbus will filter the full document list to the Current location (either current client or current business folder).
  4. You may navigate to a different sub-folder for the same client, or click either the Yellow folder (for all Clients) or the Green folder icon (for business folders), if you wish to look outside the current location.
  5. Once you have selected another file, you may recorder the order of the files in the Linked list, by dragging and dropping the files into a new order.
  6. If you only wish to link documents together, you may close this dialog by clicking the X icon in the top right corner of the dialog.

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