Locked Documents

Locked Documents

For CDM Customers, there are 3 different Locked states. These are:

  • Edit/Sign

  • Lock

  • Checked out

To view documents that are locked, ensure you include the Locked column on your document grid, and select all Locked options as shown in the screen shot sample below:

This will then display a list of all documents that are locked.

How to unlock documents:

Staff who have Document Admin privileges are able to perform a Bulk Set Properties process. This means that the properties of all documents which display in a filtered view can be changed in bulk.

One of the options of performing a Bulk Setup Properties on a list of documents is to Check in documents which are checked out.

For further information on this process read this article https://nimbusportals.atlassian.net/l/c/8ANPnf7z


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