Bulk delete email jobs
Your email jobs grid can be tidied up from time to time by deleting jobs that have been archived. When a job is archived, it means that the job is complete and there is nothing more to be done for the job.
When an email job is deleted, the job will no longer be visible via the email jobs grid, though the system will still display the email content via the Client History.
To bulk delete email jobs, perform the following:
Select the Email Jobs menu
Filter the email job rows to ONLY show those jobs that you wish to delete
On the top right of the email jobs grid, click the Delete Jobs icon. Note that this icon will only display if your employee profile includes Admin access.
If you are selecting to delete more than one Email Job, the system will ask if you wish to delete the jobs. If you are only deleting one job, the job is then deleted without a prompt.
Once deleted, the job is no longer visible via the email jobs grid.
If an email job is deleted which includes a link(s) to document(s) that have been published via the Client Portal, the email sitting in your Clients email inbox (i.e., Outlook Inbox), will be affected. The link in this email will no longer open the document stored in the portal.
Client History
Once an email job has been deleted, you may see the reference via the Client History.
Click the Clients menu
Filter / locate the Client Entity
Click the Client History icon
This will then display the history for this Client
Remember that you can filter the Client History grid to show specific events. We’ve done this in the sample screen shot below showing all events with the Email Job ID of 5119
If you then click the Email that was sent in the Note column, the email will display as shown below.