Recurring Email Jobs

Recurring Email Jobs

Recurring email jobs can be setup to automatically send a new email at the top of each period (however that is defined).  Each new period, Nimbus creates a new email job using the details setup on the schedule tab of the initial email.


  1. To begin with, you would need to have some piece of data that will allow you to filter the clients who will be the recipients of this email.  This could be done using the Client Custom fields.  In this example, we would have setup a BAS Custom field for the client, and the values would range from Quarterly, Monthly to Annual.
  2. With this information set in the Nimbus database, you would then be able to filter the Client listing to show those clients who need to lodge say Quarterly.
  3. When you setup the initial email job, you would run the job for all quarterly BAS / VAT clients.
  4. The email template would look something like this.
  5. The <!—Period End Date—> is picked up from the Schedule tab (shown in the next screen shot).
  6. Note that this value changes automatically each period.
  7. Then on the schedule tab you would setup the initial state for the email job, which is then replicated each quarter.
  8. The key is to set the job to recur.  Select the period timeframe of the recurrence and set the next period end.
  9. This is the value that is used in the initial email which is sent to the Client (highlighted above).
  10. The Offset from Period end determines when the first email for the next period will be sent.  In the example below, the initial email will be sent 5 days before the end of the period.
  11. The followup reminder emails can be defined in the initial email setup, and then will continue each quarter based on how many days the initial followup will be sent.
  12. The same for the “send additional follow-up emails every” field.
  13. The initial email will then cease sending follow-up reminders 5 days before the end of the next quarter, because this is when the new email job will start to send its first email.  Each quarter, the system will create a new email job, based on the settings from the previous email job.  Then the process starts all over again.

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