Creating a new email Stationery for Email Jobs

Creating a new email Stationery for Email Jobs

Nimbus allows you to create more than one email stationery which can then be used to send email jobs.

Some businesses have different divisions, or departments, and wish to create different email stationery showing the varied logos, and email signatures etc.

By default, email jobs use the email stationery called “Standard.email.html”.

To create a new email stationery to be used via the Email Jobs process perform the following:


  1. Navigate to email stationery via Templates / Email Stationery

  2. Click the blue edit arrow for the “Standard.email.html” file to edit it

  3. In the Filename field, enter a new name for the duplicate email stationery file, including the .html extension

  4. Adjust the stationery as required

  5. Click the Save button

Selecting a different stationery when you run an email job

You will now be able to select this stationery when you run an email job.

To do this, select the Schedule tab, and click the drop down arrow to choose the stationery required for this email job.

Proceed with the email job.


You can create as many different email jobs as you wish

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