Clients Off-boarding Process - XPM

The following process describes the steps involved in Off-boarding Client Entities from Nimbus once the Client has been archived in XPM. If your Nimbus account includes CDM, then all Client Documents may be archived. If not, all Client documents may be fully deleted from the system.

  1. Export Client History from Nimbus and save to Client folder

  2. Archive Client Entity in XPM

  3. Perform Full Client sync in Nimbus

  4. Check if Client Entity has been deleted

  5. Check if Contacts have been deleted

  6. If CDM Customer, delete Client folder from Business Documents area to send all documents to Archive

  7. If Non CDM Customer, determine if Client folder will be deleted from Business Documents area.


1. Export Client History:

When a Client entity is deleted from the system, the system will also delete the Client History. If required, this information can be exported to a .csv file and then stored against the Client entity prior to deleting it from the system. This file is then kept in the Orphaned Client folder.

For more detailed information on Client History, please refer to this linked article.
Client History

2. Archive Client Entity in XPM:

When you have Archived the Client in XPM, you will need to perform a Full Client Sync in Nimbus.  

3. Perform Full Client sync in Nimbus

A Full Client Sync (Admin > AutoMate > Full Client Sync) should be run at least once per month - if not more regularly.  Only this function will remove Client details from the Nimbus Client Grid.

4. Check if Client Entity has been deleted:

When a Client Entity is deleted from the Nimbus system, the following occurs:

  • Email jobs previously sent to the Client entity, are removed from the Email Jobs grid and no longer display (only relevant if you subscribe to Email Jobs)

  • If a Client Entity is NOT removed from the Nimbus Client Grid, it means that there are Email Jobs with Documents for Signature.  In these cases, the Client entity may be deleted manually if required.

    • All historical email jobs are recorded in the Client History

  • All Client History is deleted

    • This information can be exported from Nimbus to a .csv file and then stored against the Client entity prior to deleting it from the system

  • Once the Client Entity is deleted, the Client folder is retained in the system as an Orphaned Client folder containing all Client documents.

    • This folder is visible via the Documents menu and is shown as a Green Business Folder

5. Check if Contacts have been deleted:

Where a Client Entity is archived in XPM (and therefore removed from the Client grid in Nimbus), and any related Contacts have a login, AND they are not related to any other Client Entities, then the Contact(s) become editable and may be deleted.

Where a Client Entity is archived in XPM (and therefore removed from the Client grid in Nimbus), and any related Contacts DO NOT have a login, AND they are not related to any other Client Entities, then the Contact(s) are removed from Nimbus.

If the Contact is not deleted from Nimbus, the Contact will be able to login to a Nimbus Client Portal. What they can see will depend on whether they are related to any other Client Entities.

6. If CDM customer - Archive any Client Documents:

When the Client Entity is deleted from the Client Grid, the system will move the folder to the Documents menu (the client folder will become a green business folder) IF it contains documents / files.

If you do not wish for these documents to be available via the Documents menu, the whole Client folder can be deleted, which then moves all of the contents to the Archive menu. 

To do this, navigate to the Green Folder, edit the Folder Properties, and click the Delete button.  A warning is displayed advising that x number of files will be Archived and that the Green business folder will be deleted.

All files that are archived are still accessible and can be opened, downloaded and even restored back to a Business or Client folder.

7. If not CDM customer - Delete any Client Documents:

When the Client Entity is deleted from the Client Grid, the system will move the folder to the Documents menu (the client folder will become a green business folder) IF it contains documents / files.

If you wish to remove all files and the folder from your Nimbus account, click the blue edit arrow for Folder Properties, and click the Delete button.

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