Excel Unresponsive

Excel Unresponsive

We have a current issue with the Excel Add-in for CDM, where Excel will become non-responding when trying to open / save a file via the CDM Add-in.

We currently have this issue scheduled for fixing, though in the meantime the following details a work-around.

Ensure that the first document opened when Excel starts up is from the Nimbus document list. This means that there should not be a blank document opened first.

To bypass this issue, the user must perform the following:

  • open Excel

  • from the left vertical menu bar select Open

  • then select to Open from Nimbus CDM

  • then select to Browse Cloud Document Management

If the user is logged in, they must select a file from the Nimbus Document List.
If the user is not logged in, they will be asked to login and then they must select a document from the Nimbus Document list.

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