Configuring the Columns in your Add-Ins

The Nimbus CDM Microsoft Add-ins can be configured to show only the columns you wish to display in the Document List.

By default, when the document list is opened by the Add-in, it will display a list of standard columns. An example is shown below displaying:

  • Client Code

  • Name

  • Revision etc

Whilst it is possible to move the columns around in order, it is also possible to set the columns to display in which order, AND to set the columns that are displayed.

Note: before attempting to edit the FileColumnProperties.config file, please contact support if you need assistance.

How to edit the columns displayed:

  1. Using Windows explorer navigate to the following location:

    1. C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Nimbus\Cloud Document Management - CDM\Settings

    2. edit the file called “FileColumnProperties.config” - note that it will display something like this:

    3. Each Row which commences with <ColumnItemProperty Name=……. defines the column field name.

    4. If you wish to remove columns from the default display, highlight a full row of detail and then delete. An example is shown below:

    5. If you wish to move the order of columns displayed, then copy the full down and paste it to the location you require.

    6. Remember to save the file.

    7. The Document List will now display as directed by the Config file. An example is shown below:
