Submitted information - CSV Output

Submitted information - CSV Output

When a Client answers and submits a Webform Checklist, the submitted information is stored in the From Client folder as a PDF. This PDF looks exactly like the Webform Checklist, and shows the responses the client has made for the various questions.

Rather than just storing the submitted responses in PDF form, Nimbus can also store the checklist results as a CSV.  The CSV output can contain:

  • Column names defined in the WebForm commands

  • Responses to the WebForm commands

  • URL/s to show the location in Nimbus of the uploaded file/s for the WebForm

  • Each row of data will have a unique Task ID to store each submission made by the different clients.

It is possible to create a separate CSV file for each Client recipient on the Email Job, or create a combined CSV containing the results for all Client recipients on the Email Job. This is discussed in detail further on in this article.

How to create a CSV output for submitted information

This is a 2 step process which relies on an existing Webform Email template which is ready to be edited.

  1. Edit the Webform Email template and then click the Webform tab. Add unique tags to the commands where data is required to be stored in the CSV output file.

  2. Run the email job and select to either store a combined CSV file in a business folder, or to create individual CSV files in each From Client folder.

1. Include Unique tags on the Webform checklist

In order to store the answered questions for a Webform into a CSV file, Nimbus will look at specifically formatted TAGS at the end of a Webform command.

TAGS can be added to a Webform checklist template, or on the fly to a Webform Checklist when creating an Email Job.

TAG rules are as follows:

  • each TAG value MUST be unique

  • not all commands require a unique TAG

  • the TAG value must be encapsulated inside { } brackets at the end of the command

  • the TAB value becomes the column heading in the CSV file

An example of a WebForm checklist with TAGS is shown below.

CSV Output Commands

Utilise the following commands to add unique TAGS to your Webform Checklist. The example below shows the result of the CSV output.

Webform Command

TAG Command in Webform Example

CSV Output Result

Webform Command

TAG Command in Webform Example

CSV Output Result


QUESTION(Yes, No)Are you aware of any other information which may be useful to us? {Info}

If a client answers Yes for this question, the Info column will look like this:

Note if an Email Job is sent to multiple Clients Columns A and B will show a unique ID and the Client Code.


TEXT Please add date of information in format dd/mm/yyyy {Date}

If a client adds a date for this question, the Date column will look like this:



TEXT What is the estimated value? {Cost}

If a client adds a value for this question, the Cost column will look like this:


FILE Please add any related files we need using the Browse button {Files}

If a client uploads files, the Files column will show the full
URL for the location of the uploaded file e.g.

Nimbus Portal URL…Filename.extension

An example is shown below this table:

2. Run the email job and store a combined CSV file in a business folder, or create individual CSV files in each From Client folder

It is possible to create a separate CSV file for each Client recipient on the Email Job, or create a combined CSV containing the results for all Client recipients on the Email Job.

2.1 Creating a Combined CSV

1. Create the green Business Folder for where you’d like to store the CSV output.

Before the Email Job is sent, you will need to nominate a Business Folder to store the combined CSV file. If you do not already have a Business Folder designated to store the CSV output, please create one.

The video below shows how to create a Business Folder.

2. Update the WebForm checklist and select the CSV output folder location

When you have created your Webform, click the CSV output field located at the bottom of the Webform tab. Select the folder you created in step 1 above.

3. Send the Email Job

4. The combined CSV file will be created in the defined Business Folder and then updated as Clients submit their responses.

5. The filename is made up of the Webform Description and the Email Job ID example: New Client Engagement-27.csv.

6. Below is an example of a combined CSV output where you have more than 1 client submission:



2.2 Creating a CSV output for each client submission

  1. Create the Email Job with the Webform checklist including all required TAGS at the end of relevant Webform Checklist commands.

  2. Do not define a CSV output location (Business Folder).

  3. Send the Email Job.

  4. Each Client submission will generate a CSV in the relevant From Client folder.

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