Linking Home Pages together

Linking Home Pages together

Linking pages

It is possible to include links to additional Home Pages (called nested pages). 

How to include a link to an additional Home Page:
  1. Create the second (or nested) Home Page
    1. Select Admin / Customise / Home Pages button
    2. Edit the main Home Page. In this example we will edit StaffHomePage.html.  Click the blue right arrow icon.
    3. Change the filename, to a new name
    4. Click the Save button
    5. This will save a new HTML page using the new filename
  2. Edit the existing Home Page by clicking the blue right arrow icon. In this example we will edit the StaffHomePage.html.
  3. Highlight the text where the link to the second page will display
  4. Click the Link to Business Web Page button
  5. Navigate to the new Home Page saved in step 1 above
  6. Select the second Home Page you wish to link to
  7. Click the Save button to save your changes
  8. Now test the Home Page link to ensure it works

Linking to Previous Web Pages

The HTML editor allows you to insert a link back to a previous web page.  This means that the link will navigate to the previously displayed page.