Format the Date field

Format the Date field

When creating document templates which use the system date, it is possible to format the date as follows:

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DATE \a "d MMM yyyy"

e.g.: 2 Nov 2018Displays one or two digits for the day, as necessary.
DATE \a "dd MMM yyyy"e.g.: 20 Nov 2018Always displays two digits for the day.
DATE \a "dd MMM yyyy"e.g.: 20 Nov 2018The three-letter abbreviation for the month.
DATE \a "dd MMMM yyyy"e.g.: 20 November 2018The full name of the month.
DATE \a "ddd MMMM yyyy"e.g.: Tue November 2018The three-letter abbreviation for the day of the week.
DATE \a "dddd MMMM yyyy"e.g.: Tuesday November 2018The full name of the day of the week.
DATE \a "dddd MMMM yy"e.g.: Tuesday November 18Always displays two digits for the year.
DATE \a "dddd MMMM yyyy"e.g.: Tuesday November 2018Always displays four digits for the year.

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