Applying Key Words to a Document Template

Key Words can be applied to any given document template.  When a new document is created from the Document Template, it will inherit the Key Words from the template.

How to Apply Key Word values to a Document Template:

  1. Navigate to the Document Templates by clicking Templates and Documents.
  2. Open the Document Template Properties:
    1. In Grid mode click the blue Edit Arrow icon
    2. In Card mode click the blue Name of the document
    3. In Thumbnail mode click the blue Edit Arrow icon to the right of the document name.
  3. Click the Key Words tab.
  4. You may enter a Category (this is user defined and is another option for searching for documents), and then enter a selection of Key Words.It is recommended to enter each Key Word on a separate line so that it is easier to review.
  5. When complete click the Update button to save your changes.

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