Signature block with date field

It is often a requirement for a PDF to contain both a signature and the date the signature was applied to the PDF i.e., the date document was signed. With your Nimbus system, it is possible to add both a Signature block (where a signature is required) and a Date field.

When the document is signed, Nimbus will use the system date and update the signature Date field automatically.

Nimbus provides two options for adding a Date signed field to a signature block:

  1. Edit an existing PDF and add a Signature Block and a Date field.

  2. Add either a Staff Signature with Date field or a Client Signature with Date field onto a Word document template (for CDM customers only).

Adding a date to an existing Signature Block

Use this function if your PDF has been generated externally to Nimbus and is manually uploaded to your Nimbus account:

  1. Open the PDF document in Edit mode by clicking the PDF icon

  2. Click the Insert tab on the Editor ribbon bar

  3. Locate the signature block and using the mouse, click on the block

  4. The Edit block menu displays:


  5. Click the Add Date option and the date field will display underneath the Signature Block:

  6. Using the mouse, the Date field may be moved to a different location, by dragging the field. Note that the system connects the date to the signature block using the dotted line.

  7. If no other changes are required, the PDF can be saved.

How to change the Date

Now that you have your comment on the PDF, it is possible to change the following attributes:

  • Date format

  • Font

  • Font size

  • Font type

  • Font colour

  • Background colour

  • Resize the comment box

  • Move the comment box

Date format

With the date field editable (with dotted lines around the outside box), change the format using the Format field as shown below. Select a different format and then set the date field in place, then click outside the signature block/date field to see the change.

Change the Font

To change the font, ensure the date field is editable (with dotted lines around the outside box), then select a new font. The change will be shown immediately.

Change the Font size

To change the font size, ensure the date field is editable, then select a new font size. The change will be shown immediately.

Change the Font type

To make the date font bold or italic, ensure the date field is editable, then select the changes required. The change will be shown immediately.

Change the Font colour / background colour

To update the font colour and/or background colour, ensure the date field is editable, then select the changes required. The change will be shown immediately.

Move the date field

To move the date field, ensure the date field is editable. Using the mouse, hover over the field, and the mouse handle will change to a drag icon (4 arrow heads).

Drag the date field to the new location on the page. Note that the date field will always be connected to the appropriate signature block via a dotted line.


Once you are finished with making changes to the date field, click Save to save the PDF changes.

Updating a Document Template with Staff / Client signature with Date field

  1. Edit the required document / document template

  2. Click the Insert tab on the Online Editor Ribbon Bar

  3. On the far right of the Ribbon bar, click the Signature drop down menu:


  4. Two new options are available:

    1. Staff Signature with Date

    2. Client Signature with Date

  5. When these fields are placed onto the document they will show as follows:

    1. <Staff Signature-D>

    2. <Client Signature-D>

Note that these fields may be typed on to a document as shown above rather than selecting the menu from the Signature drop down.

6. Save the changes made to the Word document / document template.

7. Documents that are now created from the document template will display the <Staff Signature-D> / <Client Signature-D> fields and when those documents are PDF’d in Nimbus, the date fields will display underneath the signature blocks.

Removing a date on an existing Signature Block

  1. Open the PDF document in Edit mode by clicking the PDF icon

  2. Click the Insert tab on the Editor ribbon bar

  3. Locate the signature block and using the mouse, click on the block

  4. The Edit block menu displays

  5. Click the Delete menu and the signature block is removed  

Remember if the document is signed, you cannot edit empty signature blocks.

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