Viewing a Digital Signature on a PDF

Viewing a Digital Signature on a PDF

If a PDF has been digitally signed using the Nimbus system, it is possible to check to see who has signed the document both within the Nimbus system and outside of the Nimbus system.  The signature details travel with the document (are embedded within it).

Viewing the Digital Signature information outside of Nimbus

Using the Nimbus Website

It is possible to use the Nimbus Portal Solutions website to upload a PDF which has been signed via a Nimbus Digital Signature to view the signature details.

Use the following link, and follow the instructions on the page.


Using the Signature View process within a PDF

Depending on the PDF software being used, it is possible to view the signature information within the PDF.

Note that Nimbus uses a Self Signed Certificate.

The following instructions are for Adobe Acrobat reader.

Step-by-step guide

Open the PDF which has been signed and perform the following:

  1. Select View / Show/Hide / Navigation Panes / Signatures
  2. The signature information is then displayed.  


External Parties Verifying Nimbus Digital Signatures

It is possible for any third party to verify Nimbus Digital Signatures using the Nimbus Portal Solutions website.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Access the "Verify a Nimbus Digital Signature" page via the Nimbus website https://www.nimbusportals.com/digitalsignature/
  2. Click the Browse button, and locate the signed document you need to verify.
  3. Then click the Upload button to display the content of the PDF.
  4. The system provides two options to verify the signatures.
    1. It will show if a document has not been changed since the last signature applied to the PDF.
    2. By clicking the  icon on the top right of the Toolbar, the system will display who has signed the document and when, and whether or not the signature is Valid.