Restoring a file

Restoring a file

If a document has been archived, it can always be restored if needed.

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Employee account with access to "View archive" OR Nimbus Admin account

Step-by-step guide - if Not a Doc Admin

  1. Log into Nimbus
  2. In the left-hand side menu, select Archive
  3. Locate the archived file which you wish to Restore

    Nimbus' filtering capabilities can assist you locating the file.

  4. Click on the blue arrow to open the document properties
  5. Confirm that this is the correct file and its previous Location
  6. Click on the Restore button to make the file available again in its previous location

    The files will be restored to the same location where they were before being archived

Step-by-step guide - if a Doc Admin

  1. Log into Nimbus
  2. In the left-hand side menu, select Archive
  3. Filter the Archive grid to display the files you wish to restore from Archive

  4. Click the Restore All icon located on the top right hand side of the Toolbar

  5. A Query will display asking if you wish to restore x number of documents to the Current working area?
  6. Click OK to continue.  All files will now be restored