Setting a colour on a URL link

Setting a colour on a URL link

The HTML Editor allows you to setup links to any URL.  When the link is created, the system will by default, set the colour of the link to a vivid blue.  It is possible however, to change the colour of the link which is displayed.

Step-by-step guide

To change the colour of a URL link within the HTML editor, perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the required email template or the email stationery 

  2. Insert the URL link as follows:

    1. enter the text of the link

    2. place your cursor somewhere within the text you have just added

    3. click the 

       icon (Insert Link) displayed on the Editor Toolbar

    4. set the Properties of the link defining if it is an email link, or a URL to a website

    5. click the OK button when complete

  3. With your cursor still sitting within the text of the link, click the HTML tab at the bottom left of the HTML editor dialog

  4. Enter the following phrase after the URL address.    

    1. style="color:#165480" - where the colour # (hex) code has been previously ascertained

    2. as an example, the code would look something like this....  <a href="www.URL_website_address" style="color:#165480" target="_blank">www.website address</a>

Setting a colour on an embedded email field

The HTML Editor also allows you to set the colour for an embedded email field.

Step-by-step guide

To change the colour of an embedded field within the HTML editor, perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the required email template or the email stationery 

  2. Insert the embedded email address field

  3. With your cursor still sitting within the text of the link, click the HTML tab at the bottom left of the HTML editor dialog

  4. Enter the following phrase instead of the embedded email field:

    1. <a href="mailto:&lt;From EMail Address&gt;" style="color: #328042">&lt;From EMail Address&gt;</a>

    2. Note that the 3 colour code needs to be adjusted as required.

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