Watch Nimbus Training videos

Within each Nimbus account, you’ll be able to watch a series of training videos. Via the Staff login, there are videos that are directed at the business account. Via the Client login, there are videos directed at your Clients / Customers.

Topics available are dependant on your Nimbus subscription as follows:

  • Getting Started

  • Client Maintenance

  • Contact Maintenance

  • Digital Signatures

  • Document management

  • Sharing Files

  • Email Communications

  • Webform Checklists

  • Administration

To access the training videos:

  • select the Training menu,

  • then select each icon to display the list of videos available

  • then select the required video link to play the video

it is recommended that you create a Client Login for yourself, so that you can login as a Client experience what the Client / Customer can see / access.

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