Accelo - configuring the integration

Accelo - configuring the integration

Nimbus connects to the Accelo platform via Nimbus ServerGate software. Your Nimbus account must include a subscription to Nimbus AutoMate as ServerGate is a component of this software.

To configure the integration between your Accelo account and your Nimbus account you will need the following information from your Accelo account:


Where you will find this information

What this might look like


Where you will find this information

What this might look like


When you first login to your Accelo account, you will notice the URL to be something similar to the following:


Client ID

You’ll find this information via your Accelo account via

  • Settings / API / Applications


Client Secret

You’ll find this information via your Accelo account via

  • Settings / API / Applications

  • Click the “Click to Show” option which will allow you to then copy the secret


How to generate the Client ID and Client Secret

To do this, you must setup the API application so that you can obtain both the Client ID and the Client Secret. To do this:

  • Login to Accelo

  • Select Settings / API / Register Application

  • Register the application with the settings shown below, entering your own email into the Application email field.

Save the API registration, and you’ll then be able to obtain the Client ID and the Client Secret.

To create the Accelo Connection

  1. Login to your Nimbus account with Admin access

  2. Select Admin / AutoMate

  3. Click the Integration field drop-down list

  4. Select Accelo

  5. Click the Configure button and the following dialog will display:

6. Enter the details obtained from your Accelo account as described above

7. Click the Test button to ensure you have a valid connection to your Accelo account

8. Click the Update button to save your changes.

9. Nimbus will advise if the Accelo connection credentials have been saved.

Performing a Full Client Sync

A full client sync will synchronise ALL Accelo Clients, Contacts and Employee details into your Nimbus account.

  1. From your Nimbus account select Admin / AutoMate

  2. Click the Full Client Sync button

  3. The system will advise via the Sync: status when the process is complete:

  4. Your Nimbus account will now be populated with ALL of your Accelo Clients, Contacts and Employee details. These details may only be edited in Accelo. Once edited, Nimbus will populate the edited data.