Accelo syncing

Accelo syncing

Accelo syncing works as follows:

  • Background syncing = manual sync

  • Manual sync = last modified date from previous sync and asks Accelo to give new companies that have been modified by that modified date

  • Full sync = performs a full update of all Clients, Contacts and Client Custom fields


  1. Accelo will pend any sync IF the sync exceeds 5000 records in one hour

Management Console

We can see the progress of a sync as follows:

  • select Diagnostics

  • expand Progress

  • look down to find the result of ServerGate P$ - account ID

    • This is the process of the sync and is what displays in the Nimbus UI for the customer via Admin / AutoMate

  • then locate the result of ServerGate R$ - account ID

    • This is the result of the sync

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