Adding Client Details - Nimbus Basic only

Use this process to manually add a new Client Entity to your Nimbus Basic account.

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 Whenever a new client is created, Client folders for upload and download are automatically created and linked to the Client in the Client Grid.  The default names for these two folders are:

  • From Client

  • To Client

Step-by-step guide - Add Client Details

From the Client Grid, perform the following:

  1. Click the New Client icon on the Toolbar

  2. Add the details for the new Client, ensuring you add a Client Code and a Name (this is the Entity Name)

  3. Add any Custom Fields as required

  4. Click the Update button to save your changes





Client Code

Must be unique - these identify the Client entity


Enter the Clients Name

Entity Type

This field will store and remember previously entered text.  For example, if you enter Company, Nimbus will remember this as a key word and will prompt the word the next time you type anything that starts with “C”.  This allows you to build key words for your Entity Types.


Again this field will remember previously entered text. Enter the staff member responsible for this client.

Group Name

This field is used if you require your Clients to view other Client Folders via the Client Portal, which belong to the same group.  The Group code must be added to all members of the Group.  Grouping is covered in detail in the Nimbus Secure Client Portal Administration course.


Enter the main contact phone number.


Enter the fax number.


ABN or CAN numbers are entered here.


Enter the postal address.


Select the staff member who will receive email notifications from this Client.  Leave as the Default Employee if you wish for the system administrator to receive these emails.  Email notifications are sent to this employee when this client uploads files through the Client Portal, or starts a conversation about a file.


Is this an Active Client? 

Step-by-step guide - Add Contact Details

Click the Contact tab and perform the following:


  1. Add the details for the new Contact, ensuring you a First Name, Surname and email address (these are the only mandatory fields).

  2. Click the Update button to save your changes





First Name

Enter the persons First Name


Enter persons Surname


Enter their email address.  All notifications will be sent through to this email address. This includes when you upload files to Nimbus, or add a comment to start a file conversation.  It is also the initial login code for the Contact when they login into the Client Portal.


Enter the name that you would generally call them by. This can be used in your email templates, and could be say Tom, if the persons First name is Thomas.


Enter the main contact phone number.


Enter their mobile.  This mobile can then be used to send SMS alerts.

Home Address

Enter their home address


Other useful information for this person.

Date of Birth

Enter their Date of Birth

Allow Notifications

Keep this option selected if you wish to send email notifications to this contact via Nimbus.

Portal Access

Select on, if you require this client to have access to the Client Portal. Deselect this option if you wish to remove access to the Client Portal.

Allow SMS Notifications

Enable this option if you wish to send SMS notifications for each email that is sent to the Contact.

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