Removing an Empty or Incorrect Document Category value

Removing an Empty or Incorrect Document Category value

From time to time staff will accidentally add a Document Category to your Nimbus CDM. This is due to staff typing a value into the Document Category field, rather than selecting from the drop down list.

To find these unwanted values, you must check the full system for any files which have been profiled with the Document Category you wish to remove.

Files can be found in the following areas:

  • All Documents view

  • Archive view

  • Document templates

Search all three areas for the unwanted Category values. To remove these values from your documents, you will need to edit the properties of these documents and change the Category value.

As documents that are stored in Archive cannot be edited, the document will either need to be restored to Current and the Category edited, or the document will need to be deleted from the system.

When the last document is updated, the Category value must then be removed from the system. To do this, perform the following:


  1. Select Templates / Document Categories

  2. Click the New Document Category icon on the Toolbar (top right hand side)

  3. Use the drop down option to select the Category value you wish to delete

  4. Click the Update button (this will create a Category Template)

  5. Click the Blue edit button to open the newly created Document Category

  6. From the Edit Document Category dialog, select the Delete button

  7. The unwanted Category value will no longer be visible on the Document Properties / Category pick list

Remember that it currently isn’t possible to lock down the Document Category names. These must be selected from the pick list.

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