Changing a Document Status

Changing a Document Status

You can set the document status via the Nimbus CDM or using the Nimbus CDM Office add-in:

Via Nimbus CDM

When creating a new document

When you are creating new document in Nimbus, at the moment you try to save it, you will be presented the "New Document" dialog box, similar to the Document Properties one, where you will be able to select on which status should the document be saved.

Document Properties

If the document already exists and you wish to change its status, you can open its Document Properties and change the status field directly.

Via Nimbus Add-in

When creating a new document

When you are creating new document using a MS Office application, such as Word, with the Nimbus CDM add-in installed, at the moment you try to Save into CDM, you will be presented a window on the right-hand side, where you set the status as required.

Saving as a document

You can use the Nimbus CDM to open the document and, when you go to "Save As into CDM" you will be able to change its status.

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