Employee In Tray

Employee In Tray

The In Tray is a centralised point where the employees can find all the documents which they have been notified via status workflows as well as other files which they could have manually added to their own In Tray for further review or follow up.
To access your In Tray, simply go to the Documents menu, open the different views and select the "In Tray" option.

How to add a File to your own In-Tray

A file can be easily added to your own In-Tray by selecting the Add to my In-Tray option in Document Properties:

Select the check-box option at the bottom of the dialog:

The same option is also available in the latest Microsoft Office Add-ins:

How to add a File to another Employee’s In-Tray

A file can be added to another employee’s In-Tray in the following ways:

1. By sending a File Conversation and including the employee(s) in the conversation:

2. By changing the Status of the file in the Document Properties:

The document will be added to the In-Tray of the person linked to the particular document workflow status:

Document workflow status permissions can be set up by Employees or by Teams.

See this article for further instructions on how to set up Document workflow statuses and permissions.

The same option is also available in the latest Microsoft Office Add-ins:

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