What is the Nimbus Profiler?
If you are a MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE), or MYOB Accountants Office (AO) site, who also uses the Nimbus Document Manager, you can now publish a document directly from AE/AO into Nimbus; using the “Share It” button.
The document will no longer be sent to AE/AO’s Document Manager (DM), but will instead be saved directly into Nimbus - allowing you to profile it along the way. Thereby eliminating the need to send it to DM first or Desktop and then into Nimbus.
Supported Workflows
You can export the following documents from AE/AO, Desktop, or MYOB PDF Manager, to Nimbus using the Nimbus Profiler:
Tax Returns
Statutory Reporter
Income Tax Client Report
Any PDF document in MYOB PDF Manager
Any file or document from your computer, when you right click and “Send to”.
Learn how to use the Nimbus Profiler.
Changes in AE/AO Document Manager
Installing Nimbus Profiler will introduce some changes to how you manage documents in AE/AO. Here’s what you need to know to ensure a smooth transition
How do I enable the Nimbus Profiler?
To use MYOB Nimbus Profiler you’d need to install it. - see our installation guide.
If you experience any errors while using the Nimbus Profiler, please refer to the Troubleshooting guide.
Check out our FAQ on MYOB Nimbus Profiler. Learn more.