Integration change: from MYOB AE to Xero PM

Basis on which MYOB AE integration works

Nimbus syncing with MYOB AE provides a one-to-one relationship. That is, for each Client Entity record, there is a Contact record. In Nimbus this information is stored against the Client Entity, with a sample shown below:

Basis on which Xero PM integration works

Xero PM (XPM) on the other hand allows the user to create Client Entities, and then create a relationship between the Contacts with those Client Entities. Any given Client Entity may have more than one Contact related to it.

In this scenario, we have multiple Contacts related to the Client Entity, and we know which Contact is the Primary Contact.

Issues to Consider:

Which Client Entities will be synced from XPM?

Please ensure that you wish to synchronise all Client Entities from XPM into Nimbus. It is possible to sync only certain Client entities from XPM to Nimbus. To do so, you will need to create a FILTER based on a Custom Field in XPM, and you will need to mark all Client Entities that you wish to synchronise with Nimbus with this Custom Field. When the integration is configured, we then use this FILTER.

With the XPM – Nimbus integration, you have the option of synchronising the following:

  • Synchronise ALL Client and Contact details; OR
  • Synchronise only specific Client Entities – as stated above, a Custom Field / Export Code must be created in Xero PM, and stored against each Client. When Nimbus is configured to synchronise with Xero PM, the Name of the custom field is entered into the Client Filter field, and only those Client Entities with this value stored in the Custom field will be synchronised with Nimbus.
  • You may elect to synchronise Prospects as well as Client Entities.
  • Synchronise specific Contacts – this process uses the Xero PM Contact Position field. For example, if you elect to only sync those Contacts that have a Nimbus Position, or a Portal Position, then the sync is setup to only filter in these Contact types.

The Use of Client Codes in XPM

Ensure that all Client Codes are brought into XPM. The API provided by Xero, allows Nimbus to access a Custom Field called Client Code, or the Export Code. Even though there is a Client Code field in the standard details of a Client Entity in XPM, this field is not yet available via their API.

When turning on the integration to XPM, Nimbus will look for the Client Code as a unique identifier. If there is no Custom field called Client Code, nor an Export Code against the Client entity, Nimbus will pick up the XPM internal ID for the Client Entity. If this occurs, the Client Entities in Nimbus may be duplicated; one from the Client Code used by MYOB AE and one for the internal ID from XPM. The example shown below shows the Export Code being used to Create the Nimbus Client Code.

Which Contact will be the Primary Contact?

When there is more than one Contact related to the Client Entity, Nimbus must know who the Primary Contact is. This Contact is used when Nimbus sends a Welcome Email, or an Email Job.

Within the XPM user interface when creating a Contact, you have the option to set the Contact as the Primary Contact. This is a tick box selection.

Xero PM Contacts – Individuals or Sole Traders

When these entity types are created in XPM, Nimbus is able to create a Contact out of the details entered against the Client Entity, rather than requiring an actual Contact to be created in XPM, which is then related to the Entity. These Contacts then become “Client” contact types in Nimbus with Full Folder Access.

Xero PM Contacts – Other Organisations (Partnership, Trust, Company etc)

When these entity types are created in XPM, Nimbus MUST have access to a Contact that is related to that Entity. If there are multiple contacts, there must be at least one Primary Contact. If you wish for a Contact to have automatic access to the Client Folder in Nimbus, the Contact must be setup with the Position of “Nimbus”. And so, the XPM contact may either be a Primary Contact, or have a Position of Nimbus to automatically receive notifications and to be able to view documents in the Client folder.

Nimbus Contacts

If you decide to open up the Contacts functionality within Nimbus, Grouping byGroupCodeandGroupingbyemailaddressnolongerapplies. Priortotheintegrationwith XPM, your Nimbus account must be upgraded to include Nimbus Contacts (this option is available at no extra cost). This then allows Nimbus to pull all Contact data from XPM and relate it to the relevant Client Entity. With Contacts enabled in Nimbus, you will loose the ability to Group Clients together by either Group Code or Email address.

The way your Nimbus account will operate will be based on the relationships between the Contacts and the Client Entities. If a Contact (person) is related to a Client Entity, then this Contact will be able to view the Client Folder when they login to their Nimbus Portal. If they are related to more than one entity in XPM, then they will be able to see the Client folders for those entities they are related to in XPM, when they login to their Nimbus Portal.

Duplicate Contacts in XPM

It will be important to keep your Contact details in XPM maintained correctly. XPM allows you to add a Contact against an Entity using one set of details and then another set of details against another entity. For example; if we had a Contact of John Smith with an email address of If you had a Contact against one Entity called John Smith and a Contact against another entity called Jon Smith, but they were the same person, XPM will actually record 2 Contacts records; one for John Smith and one for Jon Smith. When this data is synchronised with Nimbus, Nimbus does not know that they are the same person, and creates 2 records; one for John Smith and one for Jon Smith. Prior to the first synchronisation, and forever more after, it will be important to ensure that duplicate Contacts are NOT created in XPM.

Additional Information

Synchronising data from Xero PM to Nimbus

Data is automatically synchronised between the hours of 7am – 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time. This data sync occurs every 10 minutes. If you need to synchronise data immediately, then either a Manual Sync or a Full Client Sync can be performed. A Full Client Sync should only be performed when necessary.

Event Type in Xero PM

Manual Sync

Full Sync

Adding a new Client Entity


Adding a new Contact to a Client


Archiving a Client - Archived Clients and associated Contacts are removed from Nimbus upon a full sync. Contacts are only removed if they do not have a login. If they do have a login, then you can edit the Contact and delete it from Nimbus if you wish. If you Archive a Client entity and that Client entity in Nimbus has files in their yellow folder, the system will leave a Green folder (with the same code and name) accessible via the My Folders menu. We call this an orphaned Client folder.


Deleting a Contact – Nimbus will only delete Contacts if they do not have a Nimbus login. If they do have a login, they will be set to un-integrated and may be manually deleted if required.


Editing a Contact


Merging a Client with another Client in Xero


Changing Data in Nimbus only

  1. If a Contact is manually attached (related) with a Client using the Nimbus UI, this addition will stay in Nimbus (even after syncing).

  2. If a Contacts Folder Access is manually altered in Nimbus using the Nimbus UI, and a sync performed, this alteration will stay in Nimbus.