Installing & Configuring AutoMate

Nimbus AutoMate is only required to be installed locally if you are synchronizing to a Local Practice Management / Contact database, AND / OR you are synchronising to a local folder store.
It is not necessary if you are syncing to a Cloud based PM system such as Xero PM, WorkflowMax or CCH iFirm.

Pre-Installation Tasks

Before commencing installation, you should investigate and determine where the database you wish to integrate resides on your network (LAN), and what folder structure the folder synchronization will use.
Ideally, both should be on a same Server machine where AutoMate will be installed.

In case AutoMate is installed in a network environment (LAN), a Windows Login Account is required specifically for Nimbus AutoMate, which then provides AutoMate with the appropriate Access Permissions to run and to automatically update it from the Internet.

This article outlines the following:
  1. Administrative Access to the server where AutoMate to be installed.
  2. Internet access (Nimbus picks up the AutoMate software from the Internet) from the workstastion/server running the install.
  3. Provide AutoMate with correct Permissions.
  4. Path of the database to be synchronised.
  5. Path for Synced documents Folder.

Administrative Access to installation path

The installation path for AutoMate is typically: C:\Program Files\Nimbus Technology\

Please ensure the Windows User Account that you create to run Nimbus AutoMate, has sufficient rights to create a folder from the Program Files folder.

Internet Access

  1. Please ensure you have internet access to -
  2. Confirm that https://* is a trusted website:
  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Go to Internet Options > Security tab
  • Trusted Sites > Sites button - ensure that "https://*" is a trusted site. 

Install AutoMate

  1. Login to your Nimbus Business account as Administrator user
  2. Go to Admin > AutoMate and select the Integration type from the drop-down list.

    If the Install and Configure buttons are not enabled it means that the machine environment is not qualified to support Nimbus AutoMate and you should contact Nimbus support

  3. The Install button is used to download and install the Nimbus AutoMate service. To begin installation, just click on it. The system will show a “Launching Application” window, followed by a security warning and/or a downloading progress window, but will soon stop at the Install dialog similar to:

    AutoMate runs as a true Windows service and hence appears under the Windows Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services and events are posted the Windows Event Log >> Applications

    The dialog will then switch to the installed state:

    Its is now ready
    to commence the configuration process.

Account & Permissions

When the AutoMate Windows Service is set with the proper permissions to operate, it will be able to perform the following:

  • Stop the AutoMate Service;
  • Upgrade the AutoMate software, which is downloaded from the Nimbus Web Site; and
  • Restart the AutoMate Service.

The Nimbus Windows User Account is used to ensure your system has the correct network permissions for the AutoMate software to operate and upgrade automatically where necessary.

Creating the Windows User Account for Nimbus AutoMate

This user account can either be a Local Windows User account or an Active Directory user, so long as the user has access to all database (eg: MYOB AE, APS, HandiSoft etc) and folder location (Nimbus Documents folder) items.

Active Directory user

Please contact your IT services provider to create this account for you.

Local Windows user

  1. Open the Control Panel
  2. Access User Accounts
  3. Add a new User Account
    1. User name: "Nimbus"
    2. Full name: "Nimbus"
    3. Description:  "Nimbus"

Set the Service Properties for the Nimbus User Account

  1. Open the Control Panel
  2. Open Services
  3. Scroll down the list and locate the Nimbus AutoMate Service
  4. Right mouse click on the Nimbus AutoMate and select Properties
  5. Click the Log On tab
    1. Select “This account”: radio button and Browse for the User Account: Nimbus created above.
    2. Apply the changes.

Set the Permissions for the Nimbus Windows User Account

  1. Click the Start button
  2. Select “Run Enter “regedit” and click the OK button
  3. Navigate to:
  4. Right-click on Parameters and select Permissions
  5. Locate the Nimbus Windows User Account created above.
  6. Allow Full Control for this User Name.
  7. Please ensure that this Windows User Account has rights to delete files from the Program Files\Nimbus Technology folder (and sub- directories) and that it can create a sub-directory.

Network Access for Nimbus Windows User

  1. Ensure that the Nimbus Windows User Account has HTTPS access on Firewall port 443 for outgoings
  2. Ensure the Nimbus Windows User Account has network Access

  3. If folder sync is required, confirm that the Nimbus account has full permissions to the documents folder

    This may be an issue if you receive an error “No Nimbus Access”. 

Nimbus Windows User Account has full permissions to the Database

  1. Confirm that the Nimbus user has full access to the synced Database (MYOB AE, HandiSoft, APS, PaperBuster)
  2. The Nimbus Documents folder (if one is being used)

  1. The MYOB Document Management data folder. Typically this is C:\MYOB\Data\DMFS_VPMSER

IF MYOB DM Configuration required and IF NOT on the same server as Nimbus AutoMate

  1. Pre-installation - Make a share on the server that contains MYOB Folders – the share must point to the MYOB DM folder which typically is C:\MYOB\Data\DMFS_VPMSER
  2. Post-installation - Run Regedit on the server where Nimbus AutoMate is installed
i. Go to registry key “SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NimbusAutoMate” and edit the value "DMFoldersOverride” and set the value to be the full UNC share pathname as set in Point 1 above.
  1. 4.7  Ensure Nimbus Windows User Account has Stop and Start permissions: Microsoft has provided a list of steps at grant-users-rights-to-manage-services-start-stop-etc.aspx
  2. 4.8  Ensure the Nimbus Windows User Account has permissions to access the SQL database (APS, HandiSoft and PaperBuster SQL) 1. Open the SQL Manager Studio 2. Ensure the Windows User Account that has been created for Nimbus AutoMate displays within Security / Logins as bellow screenshot. If the user account is not visible, then right mouse click on Login and select New Login. Search for the User Name.
NimbusAutoMateUserGuide_AWS.docx Page 4 of 13
Once the user name displays in the Logins folder, ensure that the User mappings provide access to the Master database and the required database (eg: APS, HandiSoft SQL etc). Then ensure that the Database role membership is set to db_datareader and public. Also ensure that db_denydatareader is not selected.
NimbusAutoMateUserGuide_AWS.docx Page 5 of 13
5. Path of synced Database You will need to know the path where your database that is to be synchronised, is located.
What is required
the database connection information is contained in the file “lookup.xml” normally found in: C:\program files\MYOB\central\deploy. AutoMate uses this file to locate the actual SQL database
you will need to know the name of and the location of the APS SQL database
HandiSoft SQL
you will need to know the name of and the location of the HandiSoft SQL database
you will need to know the name of and the location of the HowNow database
CCH iFirm
an API key is required
WorkFlow Max / Xero PM
an API key is required
Paper Buster
the Microsoft Access file “ATOPB.mbd” is normally used, often stored under the Practice Central folder
Please contact Nimbus Support for assistance.
6. Path for Synced documents Folder Nimbus AutoMate synchronises to a folder structure from a given root: e.g., C:\Nimbus Documents\. If Folder Syncing is being used, then this Folder (suggest Nimbus Documents) must be created. For Paper Buster sites, this folder will be: \\servername\apps\Practice Central\ For MYOB DM integration, this tab is not available.
For HowNow sites, this tab is not available. When the Nimbus Documents folder is located on the same server as the database you are syncing to, you must use a full path name eg: C:\Nimbus Documents\
When the Nimbus Documents folder is located on a different server as the database you are syncing to, you must use a UNC path name eg: \\servername\apps\Practice Central\ Note: Nimbus AutoMate will not recognise Mapped Drives when setting the local root for folder syncing.

AutoMate Configuration

The Configure button is used to access the Nimbus AutoMate user interface dialog, which interacts with the installed AutoMate service. When first installed the dialog will present similar to:

Note that the Integration Type has been selected, and that the Practice Login field has been pre-configured with the URL for your Nimbus Business site.

  1. Click Start Service, to start the Windows Nimbus AutoMate Service. The dialog will update depending upon integration type to include an appropriate database integration tab.
  2. Click the database tab (2nd tab), and skip to the section below according to database type:

Paper Buster Configuration

  1. Use the dropdown button to browse and select the desired Paperbuster database. The Verify Paper Buster Database button will be enabled.
  2. Click the Verify Paper Buster Database button. If the database is verified, i.e., accessible and contains the expected data, the dialog will update to:

  3. Use the drop down to select the desired Contacts table. This will normally be: “vwBPSPCContacts”.
  4. Set the Wait time, being the refresh period for subsequent database sync runs, i.e., how quickly the Nimbus database will reflect PM updates. Shorter periods will increase the load on your LAN server.
  5. Check the Active Only flag according to your preference. When ticked this restricts Nimbus sync to Contacts flagged as active in the Paper Buster database.
  6. Click Enabled Database Sync. This checks that the database is valid and accessible. The status is reported and the Sync Now button enabled:
  7. If you wish to immediately populate the Nimbus contact database in the cloud, click “Sync Now”. AutoMate should show sync status culminating with a message similar to “Success. nn updates done”. Please skip ahead now to “Folder Sync”.

MYOB AE Configuration

The MYOB AE database integration tab appears similar to:

  1. Use the ellipsis button to browse and select the AE Central deployment directory. The Verify AE Central Configuration button will be enabled.
  2. Click the Verify AE Central Configuration button. If a valid MYOB “lookup.xml” file has been found, the dialog will update to enable the AE database field.
  3. Use the drop down on the AE Database field to select the required database. The Verify AE Central Database Access button will become enabled.
  4. Check access to the database by clicking Verify AE Central Database Access, it will respond with a Sync Status of “Database access is valid”.
  5. Set the Wait time, being the refresh period for subsequent database sync runs, i.e., how quickly the Nimbus database will reflect PM updates. Shorter periods will increase the load on your LAN server.
  6. Check the Active Only flag according to your preference. When ticked this restricts Nimbus sync to Contacts not having a “closed” date.
  7. Check the Clients Only flag to only sync Client details (not Prospects, Suppliers etc).
  8. Select a MYOB Extra field to filter on, if you wish to only sync Client Entities who have the Extra Field set to Yes. The name of this Extra field in MYOB is decided by the Business.
  9. Click Enable Database Sync. This checks that the database is valid and accessible. The status is reported and the Sync Now button enabled.
  10. If you wish to immediately populate the Nimbus contact and employee database in the cloud, click Sync Now. AutoMate will show sync status culminating with a message similar to “Success. nn updates done”.

Folder Sync Configuration

Switch to the “Folders” tab, which appears similar to:
  1. Use the ellipsis button to select the root of the folder structure you wish to sync with Nimbus The dialog will update to:
  2. Use the drop down to change the Sync option if you wish.
  3. Set the Wait time, being the refresh period for subsequent folder sync runs, i.e., how quickly the Nimbus folders will reflect updates to the server folder structure and vice versa. Shorter periods will increase the load on your LAN server.
  4. Click “Enable Folder Sync”, the “Sync Now” button will be enabled.
  5. If you wish to immediately update the Nimbus folder structure in the cloud, click “Sync Now”. AutoMate should show sync status, culminating with a message similar to “Completed, now waiting”.
If you have not performed “Sync Now” for both database integration and folders, you should now switch to the “Nimbus” tab and click “Start Syncing”.
You may now close the Nimbus AutoMate dialog. The Windows Nimbus Automate Service will continue running in the background performing syncing according to time periods selected.

Day to Day Operation

Normally there is no need to worry about the AutoMate service once it is configured and syncing. It is designed to be a “Set” and “Forget” mechanism. However, if you suspect that syncing has stopped, or you wish to change the parameters, such as update frequency, then it will be necessary to revisit the Nimbus AutoMate dialog as follows:
  1. On your LAN server, log into your Nimbus Business site using a login with Admin level access. Select Admin>>Practice Details. You should see a pair of buttons labeled “Install” and “Configure”.
  2. Click the Configure button. Nimbus will check the running version and update it if it is out of date. The Nimbus AutoMate user interface dialog will open. Changes can be made while the service is running, and typically will take effect after the next scheduled sync run.
  3. If you wish to change either database integration or folder location, it will be necessary to first stop syncing by clicking the relevant “Disable Database Sync” or Disable Folder Sync button.
You can also visit the Nimbus AutoMate user interface dialog, if you have a requirement to immediately update Nimbus for some reason, by using the Sync Now buttons.

Further Assistance

This document is designed to help you get familiar with Nimbus and broadly introduce the main features of the product. Training videos and on-line Help can provide further detail, or please contact our support team via