Info |
Login onto the Windows Server using your administrator username and password.
Run this Powershell script to allow the Installer to encrypt credentials on the database:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Download the NimbusProfilerSetup.exe, and save to your desktop.
Double-click the NimbusProfilerSetup.exe and follow the on-screen installation instructions:
Read and accept the MYOB license agreement, then click Next
Select the MYOB database from the list
If you have more than 1 live database you can run the installer for each database.
Select the authentication method for the database, then click Next
Click Install to begin installation
Enter your Staff Login URL, API User Login Code, and API User Password created on Step 1.
Tick the “I have entered all the credentials in the above text fields”.
Click on the OK button
The Nimbus Profiler has been successfully installed. Click OK to exit.
Running MYOB AE/AO on workstations?
If you have workstations or terminal servers, there are additional steps needed.
Please see here https://nimbusportals.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DIC3z