Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

When Nimbus allows you have a full listing of your Document Store, you can filter, switch display mode, change view, and also use the Find function to find any document whatsoever. The Document Grid provides the same functionality as accessing your Client documents from the Client menu, except that you can potentially view all Documents in your Document Store including all Client and Business Documents. From the Document menu you can:

  • Switch Display Mode

  • Re-call a previously stored View

  • Find a document

  • Filter the Grid to show a sub-set of documents

  • Save a View

  • Open a Document

  • Open a Documents Properties



Creating Views across your Document Store

When you have a full listing of your Document Store, you can filter, switch mode, change view, and also use the Find function to find any document whatsoever.
The Document Grid provides the same functionality as accessing your Client documents from the Client menu, except that you can potentially view all Documents in your Document Store including all Client and Business Documents. From the Document menu you can:

  • Switch Display Mode

  • Re-call a previously stored View

  • Find a document

  • Filter the Grid to show a sub-set of documents

  • Save a View

  • Open a Document

  • Open a Documents Properties

Some of the most popular filtering fields used are:


Document Name

Enter all or part of the document name in to the Keywords field and click the Include Filename option.


Keywords can either be manually added to the Properties of a document. If text searchable document is uploaded into Nimbus, all words automatically become Keywords. Within Document Properties, the Keyword field is free format, however, we suggest keeping to one word or phrase per line to clearly distinguish between words and phrases. There is a limit of 250 keywords and phrases that can be added to the keyword list.


Categories are set by the user within the Document Properties. Nimbus will store and remember any text previously entered into the category field on any File. This is useful as the Find feature allows to you search on the Category field. For example, internal document may include a Category, e.g.: Internal, HR, Templates etc.

Modification Date

Nimbus also allows you to search for a file based on the date the file was last modified.

Finding Files

The Find Files function is available via the Find button in the toolbar of any Document view. This function supports the following:

  • Case Insensitive keyword search with logical and/or operators

  • Optional filename search

  • Filtering options for category and file modification date range


A search for 'Telstra Invoice' with the '+' would be looking for a key phrase that is an exact match.
Note: The AND operator takes precedence over OR, which means that the AND tests are executed first. So, to look for a document which contains either 'Optus' or 'Telstra' and the word 'Invoice', the Keyword search string would need to be: 'Optus + Invoice | Telstra + Invoice'.

Result Set

The result of a search which finds at least one matching file is called a Result Set, and it is displayed as a file list. Click on the filename to open it in the document browser or to download it from Nimbus. You can also click the conversation bubble to initiate or continue a file conversation.

Modification Date

You can also find documents based on the Modified Date. Select the option "Filter by modification date" and then enter the two date ranges – from and to.


to create a “View” which when opened, will display a list of files / folders, based on specific filters. Each Nimbus staff member can create as many views as they wish, which would relate to the types of documents they access on a regular basis. Personal Views, can only be seen by the staff member who created them.

Staff who have Admin access, may create Views which can then be accessed by ALL staff.


Your Nimbus subscription will determine what column / data fields you will have access to.

Watch the Video:


Creating a Custom View

Choosing what data to display

  1. Select the Document menu option

  2. Using either the Column Chooser or the AND Mode Filter Chooser, customise your Document Grid, to show only those folders / documents you wish to see.



Remember you can drag column headings off the Chooser menus to the grid to Add a new Column, or drag the headings off the grid back to the Chooser menus to remove a column.

Setting the Filtering on the Grid

  1. Once you have set the results of the grid display, you can now save this as a “View”.

  2. In my example below, I have set the following filters:

    1. Modified by Date: set to descending

    2. Group Code: to show all Clients who belong to a particular Family Group

    3. Client Name: set to “Group By”

  3. The results of this filtering would display like the sample below, where you would then be able to expand each Client to see all files belonging to that Client:

    1. Image Added

Saving the View

  1. Click the Documents menu on the top left of the Toolbar

    Image Added
  2. Enter a View Name - once saved, this will then display in the My Views listing

  3. If you have Admin access, you will be able to Share as a Standard View with ALL staff

  4. Click the Save button to Save the view.

    1. Image Added


Note that there is no limit to the number of views a Staff member can create.

Filter by label (Content by label)
labelsdocument view save
cqllabel in ( "document" , "view" , "save" ) and type = "page" and space = "CH"
