Creating Advertising Images

Creating Advertising Images

Nimbus allows the business to upload images which advertise their services.  These images can display on both the business system, and also the Client Portal.  Advertising images must be 720 pixels wide x 200 pixels high.  They can be of any image type e.g.: .png, .bmp, .jpg etc.

Step-by-step guide

To upload an advertising image please perform the following:

  1. Select Admin from the menu bar
  2. Select Ads
  3. Select an Ad slot and click the blue edit arrow to edit the details
  4. Click the Browse button and locate the image file you wish to upload.  When the file has been uploaded, Nimbus will display an Advice saying that the image has been successfully saved.
  5. If you wish to link the image to a URL (website address), enter this in to the Navigate URL field.  When the Ad is clicked, the system will then take the user to this URL.
  6. Enter the Alternate Text.  This is what will display if the browser cannot display images.
  7. Click the Update button to save your changes.
  8. If you wish, you can nominate if the ad will display in either the Business system, and or the Client Portal.
  9. You can also nominate the order your ads will display.

You may also link an Ad to a Conference which has previously been setup via the Appointments module.  If the Ad is clicked, the system will take the user to the booking page for the conference event and will allow the user to book into the event.