Integration Rules

Integration Rules

The following outlines the integration rules for when Nimbus directly integrates to an APS database:

  1. Nimbus uses the APS internal ID code as the Client Code. This is the Client ID.
  2. Nimbus uses the APS Primary Contact flag and sets this against the Nimbus Contact. If a Client has more than one Contact associated to it, the Primary Contact flag is used to determine which Contact is the Nimbus Primary Contact.  Nimbus Primary Contacts by default are given full access to the Client Folder.
  3. If a Client has more than one Contact associated to it within APS, Nimbus will synchronise all of the contacts who are actual People. These contacts are associated with this same Client within Nimbus.
  4. If there is no Primary Contact listed in APS, Nimbus will select based on the Client Type using the following hierarchy:
    1. Nimbus
    2. Client
    3. First Contact Nimbus reads from the database table
  5. Nimbus synchronises all APS relationships if they are Real People, (i.e., first name, surname, email address).
  6. If the APS Client is an individual, Nimbus synchronises the Contact and sets them as the Primary Contact in Nimbus.
  7. Nimbus looks at the internal ID of the contact when a Contact is updated. If Nimbus finds an existing Contact ID then it will update the contact details.  If not, Nimbus adds a new Contact.

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