Nimbus Invoices

Nimbus Invoices

All your Nimbus invoices are accessible via your Nimbus account.

You can see those invoices which are due for payment, those that have been paid, and those which are overdue.

If you require copies of invoices, they are automatically emailed to the email address listed in your Nimbus account. If the email address is incorrect, you can update it as follows:

Updating your Billing email address:

  1. Login to your Nimbus account with Admin access

  2. Select the Admin menu

  3. Select Business Details

  4. Enter the email address you wish your invoices to be emailed to and click the Apply button.

Viewing your Nimbus Invoices:

  1. Login to your Nimbus account with Admin access

  2. Select the Admin menu

  3. Select Invoices

  4. Click the Invoice link as highlighted above and the invoice will display in the browser

  5. Click the Download button to download a copy of the invoice for your reference.

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