Un-archived clients - duplicate in Nimbus

Un-archived clients - duplicate in Nimbus

When you archive a client in XPM that has existing documents in Nimbus, you will first see that the client will be removed from the client grid and then the client code will appear as a folder in your business documents.

If the archived client has the same client code as another client in Nimbus that also has documents, Nimbus will add a randomised seven-digit number after the client code as a folder in your business documents. This is because there is a folder already within Nimbus with that client code.

If the current client folder is empty, but there are documents stored in the business folder using the client code + randomised seven-digit number, you can do the following process:

  • Select the Documents menu

  • Dropdown the View and select the All Documents view

  • In the top left hand Folder filter field, enter the Client code (without the additional characters) so that the system will display both the Client folder and the business folder


  • Open each client folder using the round icon with an arrow inside, to expand the folder structure

  • Then drag and drop folders/documents from the business folder to the client document folder.
    You would select Move:

    Do note, if you are moving folders of documents, the destination folder cannot have the same folder name, if there is one already then you will have to delete it.

  • Once the business folder is empty, you can delete this folder as it is not required anymore.