Nimbus allows staff to use their Practice Protect credentials to log in to their Nimbus account.
If Practice Protect SSO is set up within your Nimbus account, it will be available to ALL staff. Staff who also have a Nimbus login code can choose to either login to their Nimbus account using the Nimbus login code and password / authenticator OR their Practice Protect Login.
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To set up Practice Protect SSO within your Nimbus account:
Click the drop-down arrow and select Practice Protect
The system will then display the following dialog:
Your business now must engage with Practice Protect and request that they provide the SSO metadata file. Once received, upload this file to this location and then click the Parse button. This will then fill in details for the SSO Certificate, the SSO URL and the SSO Exit URL.
Then enter your Businesses Nimbus URL for staff login into the Nimbus metadata field.
Practice Protect SSO is now enabled.
IMPORTANT: Matching Nimbus Staff Login codes with Practice Protect Staff Login Email address